[S2E16] You've Got Yale!
[S2E16] You've Got Yale! >>> https://urlca.com/2tkksQ
Some endings take a long time to reveal themselves. But when they do, they're almost too easy to ignore. Some beginnings start so quietly, you don't even notice they're happening. But most endings come when you least expect them. And what they portend is darker than you've ever imagined. Not all beginnings are cause for celebration. A lot of bad things begin, fights, flu season and the worst thing of all... Want to be starting something XOXO. Gossip Girl.
Nate: (re: Vanessa) I saw a DVD of The Ring Cycle at her house and I figured she might like some champagne in my family's box.Dan: Yeah, that's good, that's good. Don't tell her you saw that DVD though, because I pointed it out once and she made me watch the whole thing with no subtitles. If you've ever seen Clockwork Orange, then you know how that ended up.Nate: What's a clockwork orange
Kim: Tricky question Jeff. Depends on where you are, how far north and south, depends on the size of your colony and it depends on the number of mites you've got. All of those things are going to play into that decision and then mother luck is going to come into it also. It's late in the season and depending on your treatment method, if you're oxidizing, if you're using a strip, what I got to tell you is it depends on where you are, and rather than me trying to tell somebody in south Georgia what they should be doing, or somebody up in Vermont what they should be doing, what I would suggest going is the Honeybee Health Coalition, because they've got both of those answers.
Kim: Cliff. I guess I was thinking of the sidewalk signs that you were making. I can see the direct connection between one of those and going to some of the other things that you made. Actually, now that you've explained it. It's a very easy step to take. I can see how that worked well with you.
Kim: Cliff, I'm going to guess, you've got a group of people that you routinely use to test your things about how big, about how many people you got when you come up with a first design of something How many you're sending out there
Kim: Oh, that makes perfect sense, and I can see from the bees perspective once they find it, that it it would be an easy thing to do. You said you've had this several overwinters, do they always find the feeder in the winter
Then soon as you get them pried apart and you open it up, the bees come pouring out because you've been banging on their house. I think it's pretty common problem and then depending what you do, you'll also destroy your wooden ware, especially the corners, if that's where you always go. We came up with a product we call Pride Point, it's a device that screws onto the top and the bottom of the hive in the back corner. It allows you to put your hive tool in between, it has two fulcrum points, one is a high pressure that you lift or push your hive tool down. It generates a lot of force to break the propolis seal and then if you keep lifting or pushing, it has one that then lifts the boxes apart much more. You can pop some smoke in if you want, or to lift the boxes, but you're not disturbing the bees. 59ce067264