Syntactic Theory A Formal Introduction Solutions
Syntactic Theory A Formal Introduction Solutions >>>
An important purpose of this text, as well as of the previous one, is the presentation of the foundations of a syntactic theory. In the first edition, the student is required to develop a number of skills, including the ability to: (a) formulate syntactic hypotheses, (b) develop null generalizations, (c) predict null generalizations, (d) describe the kinds of tests that must be conducted to verify a grammatical hypothesis, (e) generate well-formed derivations from a set of hypotheses, and (f) identify null generalizations and the tests that must be conducted to verify a hypothesis, as well as generalizations that are false if not verified. This edition includes these skills in the format of a series of discussion sections in which students are encouraged to problem solve.
The book begins with an overview of an agent-based model of language acquisition that is based on the agent-based model of language processing presented in the first edition. Drawing on the infrastructure developed in the previous text, the second edition includes a thorough introduction to the components of an agent-based model of language acquisition. The component models of the book are the main topic of the second edition.
The book then goes on to consider the principles underlying the unification of terms, and presents the results of learning to solve a range of unification problems in a series of case studies. One section of the book has the form of an appendix, in which the authors systematically explore the theoretical and practical limits of each unification approach, including the limitations of learning theory. A selection of these theoretical and practical issues are addressed in the chapters that follow:
On the theoretical side, such a “kernel grammar” would be a simple and restricted form of the theory of (learning, induction) that has been proposed and analyzed in the context of second-order syntactic unification.24
In the above example, the (partially) innate grammar induced by the TLA is sufficient to rule out all successful solutions, and lead the learner to no solution. This shows that part of the learning problem for the human language faculty could be solved by an innate kernel grammar that does not bother learning parameter values but rather assigns a fixed value to the two parameters PSubj and PComp. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that humans are not born with an innate kernel grammar, but need to acquire an appropriate one, which requires learning parameters for which initial values are not fixed.
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