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The most advanced functions are exposed as IPP framework classes. The framework classes include:
IPP_Image_Processing is an interface for performing image processing algorithms.
IPP_Image_Registration is an interface for image registration algorithms.
IPP_IppCvt is an interface for converting 16-bit, 32-bit, and floating-point formats.
IPP_IppMv is an interface for converting multiview formats.
IPP_IppMvData is an interface for converting multiview datasets.
IPP_IppMvGuru is an interface for converting multiview datasets produced by the 3D sensor such as Kinect.
IPP_Ipp2n is an interface for converting IPP into Native C for the following platforms:
The toolbox includes functions that generate 3D volumes, produce 3D images, and produce a 3D walk-through of 3D data sets. You can also visualize 3D data sets in real time in real time. You can save images and 3D volumes.
The toolbox also includes a special Developer Edition version of the STL and QT and OpenGL apps for developers who want to use the toolbox without administrator privileges. The Developer Edition does not require registration and comes with reduced limits on the size and number of apps, as well as a simplified user interface. For more information, see Developer Edition .
The Toolbox also contains core libraries that are used by the apps. These include
Image Processing Toolbox Core includes common tools such as histogram functions, contrast adjustment, image registration, ROI manipulation, and surface extraction.
Image Processing Toolbox App Library contains interfaces and wrapper classes for common image processing functions. They include linear transformation, boundary extraction, erosion, dilation, watershed segmentation, diffusion filtering, Hough transformation, and min-max optimization.
Image Processing Toolbox C/C++ Library contains C++ algorithms and wrapper classes that can be used to generate code. They include advanced pattern matching, DCT, 1-D and 2-D statistics, and linear transformation. 827ec27edc